
Welcome to MUS

Welcome to Memphis University School. We are a college-preparatory day school for boys in Grades 6-12, and we are guided by the principles of truth and honor that have informed our work since 1893.

What we teach is shaped by what colleges expect of students they admit, by what we believe we should pass on from generation to generation, and by our mission to build ethical character.

Boys here benefit from a superior academic curriculum, small classes with individual attention, freedom within the constraints of our Honor Code, and peer encouragement to do their best.  

MUS is a traditional school, and our concerns for academic literacy and strong character rest on time-tested traditional values – perseverance, courage, civility, honesty, industry, self-restraint, responsibility, and generosity.

We encourage our boys to aspire to leadership through numerous opportunities in athletics, the arts, service, and other extracurricular activities. Students quickly develop a sense of belonging within this community, while discovering unique ways to exercise their individual gifts.

An outstanding group of passionate, expert teachers do their work here. They know how to educate boys, how to motivate boys, how to design incremental challenges that help boys discover and develop their abilities. Our small class sizes enable our instructors to know their students. This familiarity puts the boys at ease asking questions and seeking advice. Combine excellent teachers with inquisitive minds, and extraordinary possibilities abound.

Please come visit our beautiful 94-acre campus at 6191 Park Avenue and learn for yourself. You are always welcome.

List of 4 items.

  • Mission Statement and Philosophy

    Memphis University School is a college-preparatory school dedicated to academic excellence, cultivation of service and leadership, and the development of well-rounded young men of strong moral character, consistent with the school’s Christian tradition.


    Memphis University School is committed to high standards of honor and integrity, academic performance, service, leadership, and athletics, and to the transmission of Judeo-Christian values.

    An MUS education is characterized by a rigorous curriculum, a lively exchange of ideas, supportive teaching, and adherence to an honor code. Its objective is to instruct students in the skills and subject matter of the humanities and sciences, to engender successful habits and techniques of learning, and to instill the foremost principles of personal responsibility, morality, and gentlemanly conduct.

    A dynamic extracurricular program devoted to excellence promotes leadership and service and encourages development of physical fitness and a rich variety of talents and interests. Non-denominational and non-sectarian, MUS seeks to foster a respectful appreciation of the spiritual nature of people and honors the sincere expression of widely differing faiths. MUS aspires to be a community of mutual respect and concern regardless of individual differences.
  • Community Creed

    Written by members of the Class of 2001, the Community Creed was approved by the Student Council and adopted as a statement of the ideals and virtues that have governed student behavior and attitudes since the inception of the school.

    Community Creed

    As students of Memphis University School, we share a duty to preserve our tradition of general excellence by upholding the principles that define and unify our community.

    Truth and Honor
    An MUS student tells the truth, does his own work, honors his commitments, and respects the property of others and of the school.

    An MUS student actively seeks knowledge and understanding, and he encourages that pursuit among his classmates.

    An MUS student contributes his time and abilities to the welfare of his school and of the greater community.

    An MUS student is courteous and kind and appreciates everyone in his community.

    An MUS student may be confident but never arrogant or boastful.

    An MUS student develops leadership, cooperation, communication, self-discipline, and friendships in activities outside the classroom.

    An MUS student takes responsibility for his actions and accepts their consequences.
  • Honor System and Council

    Honor and integrity characterize a school worthy of respect. From its earliest days, Memphis University School has developed these virtues through the Honor System. An integral part of the life of the students, the Honor System aids the school in its mission of developing a boy’s character and enriching his spiritual life. Learn more about the Honor System, Oath of Honor, and Honor Council under Student Leadership HERE.
  • School Hymn

    Dear MUS, How kind the fate
    that brought us to these halls
    To learn thy ways,
    To walk in truth and honor all our days.
    We pray that we shall always honor Thee.
    Let us all unite to sing
    To Alma Mater, Friend, and Leader,

    - John Murry Springfield
Need help? Email us.

Main Number
: (901) 260-1300
Upper School: (901) 260-1320
Lower School: (901) 260-1360


Senior Administrative Team:

List of 10 members.

  • Photo of Peter Sanders

    Pete Sanders 

    Headmaster, History Instructor
    (901) 260-1310
    University of Virginia - MEd
    Queen's University - MA
    St. Lawrence University - BA
  • Photo of Lewis Humphreys

    McKee Humphreys 01

    Assoc. Headmaster, Interim Head Lower School
    (901) 260-1391
    Vanderbilt University - MA
    University of Mississippi - BA
  • Photo of Albert Fowlkes

    Rankin Fowlkes 

    Asst. Head for Business Operations & CFO, Economics Instructor
    (901) 260-1306
    University of Memphis - MBA
    University of Mississippi - BS
  • Photo of Michele Cacioppo

    Michele Cacioppo 

    Headmaster/CFO Executive Asst.
    (901) 260-1310
    Harvard University - BA
  • Photo of Perry Dement

    Perry Dement 

    Asst. Head for Advancement
    (901) 260-1353
    Georgetown University
    Rhodes College - BA
  • Photo of Zachary Hansen

    Zach Hansen 

    Head Upper School
    (901) 260-1327
    Pacific Lutheran University - BA
    George Fox University - MA
  • Photo of Jennifer Byers

    Jenny Byers 

    Asst. Head for College Counseling & Student Programming
    (901) 260-1399
    Washington University - MA
    Washington University - BA
  • Photo of Thaddeus McCracken

    Thad McCracken 

    Athletic Director
    (901) 260-1372
    Hanover College - BS
    Eastern Kentucky University - MS
  • Photo of Joseph Cummings

    Joe Cummings 

    Admissions & Enrollment Management Dir., Lacrosse Head Coach
    (901) 260-1423
    University of Maryland - BA
    Vanderbilt University - MEd
  • Photo of Kevin Brown

    Kevin Brown 

    Security Dir.
    (901) 260-1311
    LeMoyne-Owen College - BA