Standardized testing plays an important role in the transition from high school to college. The SAT, administered by the College Board, and the ACT, administered by the American College Testing Service, serve as baseline measures for almost all seniors in America applying for entrance into college. Right or wrong, these standardized measures are used to predict how a student may perform on the collegiate level in relation to his/her peers.
In preparation for these tests, MUS requires all students in Grades 9-11 to take the PSAT each year in October. The PSAT provides students with a predictive score for the SAT, and the score obtained in the junior year is used for entrance into the National Merit Corporation Scholarship Competition. MUS regularly places 20 to 25 percent of the senior class in the competition as either a National Merit Semifinalist or as a Nationally Commended student.
A strong curriculum is the best preparation for both these tests, according to the organizations that create and administer them. Other factors can also contribute to success on these tests, such as familiarity with the test and content, knowing the best strategies for attacking the different portions of the tests, and understanding timing during the test administration.
We conduct PSAT help sessions from year to year, assisting students in developing solid test-taking strategies and facilitating the administration of practice tests.
Our campus is an official testing location for selected ACT, SAT, and SAT II Subject Tests.