DECA Members Win Awards
Congratulations to DECA members for their recent Virtual Business Challenges honors! In the Sports Track, seniors Ahad Farooq and Alyaan Salman and junior Qasim Akbar won First Place State Certificates, and junior Will Gramm earned second. Farooq, Salman, and Akbar also earned Second Place State Certificates in the Entrepreneurship Track. The next round begins January 17, and all students are welcome to participate. See DECA Club President
Alyaan Salman to learn more about
DECA or the upcoming challenges.
Virtual Business Challenges are hosted by
Knowledge Matters, a provider of browser-based educational tools for teaching business, marketing, and financial literacy. The first round of challenges was held October 18-28. After the second round in January, qualifying teams will compete in a live International Career Development Conference competition. Awards include plaques and up to $6,000 in team prizes.