Taylor ’11, About Finding His Lane

Mr. Scooter Taylor ’11, co-founder of West Peek Productions, spoke to students in chapel Friday about discovering their own paths in life.
A serial entrepreneur, Taylor described how he eventually found success despite multiple failed ventures. He listed four points that have helped him discover his place in business and to persevere through difficulties.
  • Find your pace – Identify the pace that allows you to achieve your goals. Every path is different, and finding success is a process.
  • Find your lane – Finding your lane involves discovering “your passion and something that is authentic to you.” Being yourself can lead to more opportunities down the road.
  • Embrace the hurdles – Embracing the challenges that come your way will make the journey easier. Learn from your failures, and don’t shy away from them.
  • Avoid status games – Don’t get caught up in what those around you are doing, wearing, or earning. 
Taylor’s speech was punctuated with a short clip from a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speech on the “Drum Major Instinct,” or the desire to be out in front. It’s important to harness that instinct, Taylor said, because there’s a dark side to it.

Later in the day, Taylor spoke to the DECA club about entrepreneurship and being involved in a startup. Owls have a rich history of launching businesses in a variety of fields, and Taylor expects the business club members could head down a similar path. 

The 2011 MUS Student Council president explained the different investment strategies used in the startup industry and how they vary. Students stayed afterward to discuss business ideas and to learn more about Taylor’s background. 

Assistant Headmaster Barry Ray called Taylor one of the most positive people he’s ever been around.
“He has put forward some goals and ideals and pathways for all of us to live potentially a better life. I hope we find our pace, find our lane, embrace the hurdles, and avoid the status games. It was a great message.” 

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