Three Owls Win at Mock Trial

A dental model lost control of her scooter after skidding on sand that had spilled from a “party wagon.” The model suffered numerous injuries including the loss of her two front teeth, and she sued the driver for damages. The MUS Mock Trial team took on the case during the Mock Trial District 14 Competition.
Three Owls won awards for their work. Junior Tyler Dang was one of three attorneys to be honored with the Best Attorney award. Seniors Aryaan Ahmed and Kyan Ramsay were two of the six witnesses to earn Best Witness honor. The two MUS squads, advised by French Instructor Rebecca Keel, scored the most cumulative points of any of the 16 teams at the competition.

The case – a fake scenario set in a fictional location – was tried four times during the competition, with the Owls switching from prosecution to defense. Three judges scored each round and provided immediate feedback to the participants. 

Thanks to our coaches, Mr. Jason Hood and Mr. Erim Sarinoglu ’07, and to Mrs. Erin Raccah, Mr. Mathew Jehl ’09, Mr. Juni Ganguli, and Mr. Will Perry for additional help preparing the Owls for competition.

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