FedEx Express visits Hyde Chapel

With a new FedEx Express electric delivery van parked in front of Hyde Chapel, the company’s Vice President of Human Resources Marcus Martinez, Director of Safety Thomas Lopez, and Senior Manager of Safety Larry Bizzell stopped by chapel Friday morning to teach Owls about vehicle safety.
The presentation amplified lessons taught in Mr. Garrett Smithson and Mr. Nick Blackwell’s eighth-grade Physical Science egg collision labs this week. Students built paper crash pads to cushion eggs dropped from various heights and paper cars to protect eggs as they slid down a ramp and collided with a piece of metal. The intent is to teach the science of motion while promoting driver safety.

That concept resonates at FedEx Express, where the motto is “Safety Above All.”

The boys learned that FedEx drivers are taught the Five Keys of the Smith Driving System:
  1. Aim High in Steering – Look 15 seconds into the future and not just at the vehicle in front of you.
  2. Get the Big Picture – Look for hazards, other motorists, and vehicle doors opening.
  3. Keep Your Eyes Moving – Don’t stare; use your peripheral vision.
  4. Leave Yourself an Out – Monitor the space cushion around your vehicle.
  5. Make Sure They See You – Use your signals and make eye contact.
Lopez showed videos from the internal cameras capturing “coachable moments” in FedEx trucks, demonstrating drowsy driving, distracted driving, and tailgating.

The chapel ended with the trio taking questions on new technologies, the driving experience, distracted driving, and FedEx planes. Each Owl who asked a question received some FedEx swag.

Martinez went on to commend Mr. Smithson – who had arranged the visit – for prioritizing driver safety and presented him with a model FedEx plane.

A photo gallery of the chapel can be found HERE.

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