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The Plan

We are focused on strengthening our ability to prepare boys for college, career, and life with excellence and innovation. Nearly a quarter-century ago, our last capital campaign raised more than $15 million for transformational campus improvements, including construction of the Upper School and Campus Center, structures that continue to serve us well.

Today, other functional but dated parts of campus - buildings that have hosted Owls for 40-60 years - present obstacles that faculty must overcome to fully equip students with the knowledge and skills required for college and career. Our Legacy Forward strategic plan prioritizes key investments that will elevate campus to a level commensurate with the school's excellence. Growing the endowment will bolster the goals of the plan, providing resources to stimulate creativity and assure sustainability.

The Bold Vision Bright Future plan is two-fold: Capital Improvements and Endowment Investments.

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Endowment Investment

In addition to the capital projects, MUS has an opportunity to invest in the bright future of our school by growing the endowment. A robust, wisely managed endowment is the bedrock of successful schools, the institutions that set standards and sustain greatness over generations. MUS is such an institution.

By increasing the endowment from our current $50 million, MUS will secure its foundation and gain the flexibility and freedom eto develop and enhance programs and curriculum. 

New resources will confirm our commitment to the school's liberal arts tradition while enhancing the ability to prepare students for success in an ever-changing professional and industrial landscape.

This campaign provides donors with opportunities to invest in programs and facilities that are meaningful to them.

Endowment is a perennial investment in MUS, its students, its faculty ... and in the Memphis community. the goal guiding our investment and spending strategy is to balance present and future needs. A carefully governed and professionally managed fund allows MUS to sustain an annual percentage draw and maintain the endowment's purchasing power over time.

The Board of Trustees Finance/Endowment Committee ensures that investments are consistent, conservative, and diversified. By following best practices for endowments being managed for sustainable growth, MUS will remain at the forefront in educational standards.
"Endowment is an engine for creativity and growth, not just a financial backstop. It gives us freedom to take on challenges." - Pete Sanders, Headmaster

Construction Phases

Need Phases intro/explanation