Your gifts to the Annual Fund are tax-deductible under the applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code. Our fiscal year runs August 1 - July 31. A receipt for your gift will be sent shortly after it is received and processed by the Development Office.
When Memphis University School was established in 1893, it was the result of the vision of many generous donors. While MUS is a lasting testimony to all who have supported the school throughout its history, we continue to look toward the future. There are generations of students yet to enroll, all deserving the best education possible in order to become the future leaders of our communities, our nation and the world in which we live. The information on this website offers you an opportunity to be part of the school's future by being a part of its tradition. Since we first opened our doors, many of our most significant gifts have come to the school as planned gifts: gifts that make a permanent impact on the institution and its students, such as naming MUS in your will. MUS continually seeks to raise funds to move us forward as we hold steadfastly to the traditions upon which we were founded. We invite you to read No Small Plan, and then to create a plan of your own…a plan to ensure the future of MUS.
Click here to learn more.
GIFTS-IN-KINDGifts-in-kind are welcome and appreciated by MUS. These include real estate, personal property, equipment, and other in-kind items.
Gifts of securities which have risen in value since their purchase are particularly attractive under our current tax laws. Stocks, bonds, and mutual funds which have increased in value since their purchase and have been held at least 12 months make effective charitable gifts.
To transfer securities to MUS, have your broker transfer the stock to Raymond James & Associates DTC #0725 into MUS account #27890244. Additionally, please ask your broker to notify the MUS Development Office of the stock and number of shares once the transfer has taken place (often securities are transferred without reference to the donor; this information will help us identify your gift).
For tax purposes, the value of your gift will be determined by averaging the high and low of the stock, multiplied by the number of shares, on the day the transfer is completed.
For additional information or assistance, please contact:
MUS Development Office:
Perry Dement
Assistant Head for Advancement
6191 Park Avenue
Memphis, TN 38119
(901) 260-1350
(901) 260-1355 fax
MUS Broker:
Collie Krausnick
Raymond James & Associates
50 North Front Street #1500
Memphis, TN 38103
(901) 529-5321
(800) 366-7426
(901) 579-4402 fax
Thank you for your generous support of Memphis University School!